Joy Stout Honors
Discovering a growth comes with a great deal of uncertainty, but when Joy Stout decided on UPMC for her chemotherapy treatments, she knew she was in good hands.
They took care of every need. Joy was worried about nausea that comes with treatment, but her doctors were proactive and prevented it entirely. They also helped her to keep her nails, another concern, by having her soak her hands and feet in ice water. Despite Joy's concerns about the difficult side effects, her team anticipated her every need and took care to keep her as comfortable as possible.
At UPMC, patients ring a bell at the oncology center on the last day of treatment in celebration. On the day Joy rang the bell, every nurse stopped to celebrate with her.
Joy felt taken care of every step of her journey. From the scheduling of her appointments to the facilities, her experience couldn't have gone more smoothly. The personal attention and care that she received went above and beyond anything she expected. “God led me to the most wonderful people possible,” Joy says.
“The personal attention and care that I received went above and beyond anything I expected. God led me to the most wonderful people possible.”